Comments welcomed!!!

We just discovered that you don't have to identify yourself to leave a comment about the blog - you can be anonymous. We really have enjoyed reading your comments (thanks, Judy, Linda, Chris, Robin, Leslie, Cory, Diane and Stephan, Donna, Deb, Lauri, Daisy, and Mom and Dad (AKA - the anonymous ones)!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

The long, lonely road or........thank goodness for satellite radio!

Beautiful Highway 80
Well, we said that the internet connection could be iffy and at our first stop (the Flying J in Wells), my 60 minute purchase (for a whole $1.99!) got us less than about 5 full minutes. So our first day post will have to be a combination of our second day's post.

The intrepid travelers (yes, Denna is really driving while this picture is being taken!)
Actually, most of our trip has been on the road and we've covered about 1000 miles across Nevada, Utah, and now Wyoming. Except for a little tailbone exhaustion, we've had a great drive and wonderful weather. We even got to hear the pre-season football games for our teams, the Steelers and the 49ers, because of our satellite radio.

We're in Rawlins, Wyoming, tonight and hope to make it to the Little Bighorn battlefield tomorrow. Now we'll begin playing the real tourists!

This is the "Salt Shaker", which still has salt on its tires from the Bonneville Raceway


  1. I am happy to see that we can follow your trip. Looks like Sonny is having a good time too.

  2. Looks like you're having a great time. We talked to Mike last night to firm up our plans of visiting them. We leave here next Thursday, Sept. 16th, leisurely drive up 101 and arrive in Portland maybe sometime Saturday.
    Your anonymous Dad & Mom
