Comments welcomed!!!

We just discovered that you don't have to identify yourself to leave a comment about the blog - you can be anonymous. We really have enjoyed reading your comments (thanks, Judy, Linda, Chris, Robin, Leslie, Cory, Diane and Stephan, Donna, Deb, Lauri, Daisy, and Mom and Dad (AKA - the anonymous ones)!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Our next adventure in the Black Hills - what a Rush!

The tilt from the little shed at the top
is called a "tipple."  This is the Aladdin
Tipple Mine (coal).
As it turned out, the internet at our next campground was not working until today, so this post will cover our last couple of days.  After leaving Devil's Tower area, we took a very scenic drive through Belle Fourche (a town which claims the title of being the geographic "center of the nation" status), Spearfish, Deadwood (which we'll come back to later) and Hill City (where we are spending the next 6 nights). The road took us through the Black Hills National Forest and past the beautiful high plains (Leslie, our friend the South Dakota native, said this was a great time to see them and she was right).  We stopped at an interpretive center/geocache that turned out to be an old coal mine called the "Aladdin Tipple Mine."

Entering the Avenue of the Flags
Today was our best day to travel to Mt. Rushmore since the weatherman calls for thunderstorms tomorrow and Friday.  It's good to be here when the summer crowds are gone, but we've heard the evening program at Mt. Rushmore is not to be missed and will still be crowded.  So that's what we'll do in a few hours, but we wanted to share some of our pictures from the monument.  It is a place where you find yourself looking up constantly; the presidents' faces change with the changes in the daylight.  It's a spectacular sight and we spent several hours walking through the exhibits and along the Presidential Trail across the front of the monument.

Washington and Jefferson
Roosevelt and Lincoln

We're looking forward to this evening's performance.  And keep those comments coming!  We love knowing others might be watching over our shoulders.
Gnorman takes in the monument.


  1. Awesome pictures guys! Mt.Rushmore sure does look beautiful. How great to be there and see that. It makes me appreciate history. Thanks for doing this blog thing...I am enjoying your trip with you.

  2. Sounds like George had a cold. Hope Denna cleared up his sinus'. HEE HEE! Great pics.
    Abe, Thomas and Teddy are looking a little stiff.
    You guys are having way to much FUN. Sonny looks like a pretty good Geocacher!
    Have Fun . . . were off to Rascal Camp Out to go fising and visit with all the girls. Watched "Dark Blue" with Ono last night (All is Well). Also saw 4 new post holes at the bottom of the drive!
    Love You Both . . . Chris and Robin
