Comments welcomed!!!

We just discovered that you don't have to identify yourself to leave a comment about the blog - you can be anonymous. We really have enjoyed reading your comments (thanks, Judy, Linda, Chris, Robin, Leslie, Cory, Diane and Stephan, Donna, Deb, Lauri, Daisy, and Mom and Dad (AKA - the anonymous ones)!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Getting ready for the big trip

It's Wednesday evening and we're checking the weather reports across Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, and Colorado in between running back and forth to the motorhome with more stuff.  We're hoping to leave tomorrow morning at about 8:00 and make it to Wells, Nevada where we'll stop for the night.  Both of us admit we're really excited about our upcoming trip, but also know that a lot of that excitement will have probably worn off after 2 solid days of driving our first 1000 miles :)

We will hopefully be able to update this blog every day of our 17 day trip, but know that internet access could be slim.  We're looking forward to reading your comments and hope you'll enjoy coming along with us!

Happy campers,
Denna, Kathy and Sonny


  1. Drive Safe Ladies.

    Get out the Mashed Potatoes for "Devils Tower" and make sure you have plenty of sunscreen.
    You know what happened to Richard Dreyfus?
    We Love You . . . Hi Sonny

  2. Have a great trip and be sure to check the back side of Mt Rushmore...Hi also from Kris & Chad.

  3. Bob and I both hope that you guys have a great trip...know that you will. Looking forward to following your adventures. Drive safe...

    Love Linda

  4. Have a wonderful trip, its a great time to see Mt Rushmore and check out Crazy Horse. Say hi to Kevin Costner (he owns bars over there, his contribution to the Indian nation) and watch what you step in.
    Love Leslie

  5. cant believe you guys are steeling my trip. I should have known when i couldent find my Devals tower Mt. Rushmore folder! Just kidding. Hope your have lots of fun and hope the weather is good. Love you both very much.Take lots of pics:)LYYB

  6. oh yeah, try to see Mt Rushmore at night, it's great

  7. Watch Out; that little guy will looks pretty lazy. Think he should at least have to take out the trash or somethin. Does he have any talents other than napping?
    Great pictures; sounds like a blast.
    Hugs, Chris and Robin
