Comments welcomed!!!

We just discovered that you don't have to identify yourself to leave a comment about the blog - you can be anonymous. We really have enjoyed reading your comments (thanks, Judy, Linda, Chris, Robin, Leslie, Cory, Diane and Stephan, Donna, Deb, Lauri, Daisy, and Mom and Dad (AKA - the anonymous ones)!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A quick comment to your comments!

This is just a post to respond to some of the wonderful, funny and interesting comments we've received about our blog posts.

Leslie - Glad you lived here and could help us understand that we were coming to a beautiful part of the U.S.  Yes, we're going to Wall Drug today - how could we miss it???  It's about the only "good" thing in the Badlands and we absolutely plan on visiting the dinosaur.  And it may be the original area 51?  Even better!  We'll definitely keep an eye on Sonny :).

Cory - You know what, we'll just have to come back on mototcycles and do it again. Sturgis awaits!

Donna - We hope to continue keeping Ethel entertained - Sonny sends his love!  Gnorman the travelling Gnome doesn't say much, but we're sure he's gonna love Ethel, too!

Diane - Of course we didn't make Gnorman climb all the way up Devil's Tower - we dropped him from a helicopter and he rolled to the bottom!  Thanks again for taking care of Miss Ruby - she would have hated all this driving!!

Dad - We are having a great time!  Glad you were able to get on the blog.  Let us know via email about your trip up north.

Daisy - Can't wait to see your version of Devil's Tower (grits and mashed peas for sagebrush?!)

Robin & Chris - Yep, Mt. Rushmore was a real rush.  Hope you have a great time at Rascal Camp.  OhNo is in the best hands with you taking care of her - thanks again.

Judy - Hey, we haven't heard from you in awhile.  We're off to the Badlands today for a heavy dose of geocaching.  They are everywhere!!!

Val & Bob - Thanks for checking in with the blog.  We're planning on spending some time in the Great Basin on our way back through Nevada - any suggestions on special have-to-see spots?

Deb & Kathy - We're coming your way soon.  Looking forward to seeing you and beautiful Colorado.

Linda & Bob - This is the kinda stuff you can do with that beautiful motorhome of yours.  The grandchildren would love you (more!) for it.

Lauri - Can't believe you and Jim even stopped long enough to have surgery!  We are having a great trip, but we'll never be able to keep up with you two :)

Keep those virtual cards and letters coming - we love every one of them!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, your headed to Nebraska eh? Well, your gonna think it's the longest trip ever, flat and rolling hills. My reservation is actually on the SD and Nebraska border, along the Missouri River. Great pictures and narration!!!!!!
