Comments welcomed!!!

We just discovered that you don't have to identify yourself to leave a comment about the blog - you can be anonymous. We really have enjoyed reading your comments (thanks, Judy, Linda, Chris, Robin, Leslie, Cory, Diane and Stephan, Donna, Deb, Lauri, Daisy, and Mom and Dad (AKA - the anonymous ones)!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thank goodness for satellite radio, part 2.

Well, I didn't think we'd be able to post anything, but lo and behold, I do have a little signal on my iPhone! Unfortunately, we can't post any of the photos we took of some of the nicer landscapes in Utah before we hit Highway 50. But you aren't really missing much, if you've ever driven it in Utah or Nevada before.

We're currently in Eureka, Nevada, (not exactly on our have-to-see list, but it's home for the night) and will hopefully finish this blog from home tomorrow night. As much as we have loved every day of this vacation, there's really no place like home (and our family and friends!) Thanks for traveling with us and sharing your comments.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your vacation with us. It is appreciated for us who can't do this often.
    Come on home and cache along the way.
