Comments welcomed!!!

We just discovered that you don't have to identify yourself to leave a comment about the blog - you can be anonymous. We really have enjoyed reading your comments (thanks, Judy, Linda, Chris, Robin, Leslie, Cory, Diane and Stephan, Donna, Deb, Lauri, Daisy, and Mom and Dad (AKA - the anonymous ones)!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Scenes from a freeway

Hey, thanks to all of you who left comments at the last blog.  It sure is great to think that somebody is actually reading this!  Seriously though, it makes us feel like we're able to share some of our day's experiences with our friends and that's important to us.

OMG! I love pancakes!!

Today was our last day in Colorado and we ended it on a tasty note with Deb at breakfast.  We met at Snooze, which is a Denver breakfast and lunch joint that serves some outrageously good food.  Just check out Deb's reaction!

After we said our goodbyes, we hit the road for home, taking Highway 70 through some beautiful Colorado landscape.  We hope to make it to Placerville by Friday morning so Denna will have a couple of days before she has to get back to (ugh!) work.  Plus, we really are looking forward to reuniting Sonny with his sisters, Ruby & OhNo.....oh, and we'd really like to see them too!!!

Aspens in the Rockies

The Colorado River
in Glenwood Canyon

The drive took us up into the Rocky Mountains and we passed some famous towns and ski resorts (Vail, Breckenridge).  Of course, we also went through some unusually named towns like Rifle, Silt, Parachute, and Fruita (of the Looma...that was Denna's contribution).  We drove through a nearly 2 mile tunnel (the Eisenhower) and an area that seemed like we were at the bottom of a (not-as-grand) Grand Canyon.  Unfortunately, Colorado has also had the pine beetle devastate huge sections of their forests, but we were able to see autumn coming with the change of color in the aspens.  It was a beautiful drive.

The pilot and co-pilot

We spent the rest of the day in the motorhome and are now in Utah at a KOA in Green River (the last exit with services for 110 miles!).  Although we'd like to think we could drive the rest of the way through Utah and Nevada (across the loneliest highway) on Highway 50 into Lake Tahoe tomorrow, we know that covering over 700 miles in one day could be deadly.  So, we'll probably stop somewhere, anywhere, along the way to spend the night and hopefully cruise into Tahoe Friday morning (to pick up Miss Ruby) and home by noon.  If there's no new post on the blog until Friday, we're probably in the middle of nowhere with no internet.  Stay tuned.


  1. alright girls.....keep on truckin and drive safe. No harn no foul to pull over and drink and spoon for the night:) Great pics too! love you! xoxoxox

  2. Oh, Wow. You are going across Bob & Val's favorite route. There are quite a few caches to be found out there. Watch out for the snattlerakes, though.
    Will be happy to see you two & Sonny.

  3. We love u too Deb Jr!
    Judy, we're in Green River where B n V have been. We saw their logs on some of these caches out here!
    C U soon
    K n D

  4. Have really enjoyed reading all about your travels. Sorry to see it end.

  5. Once again, thanks for taking us on your vacation. I see that with Sonny helping you drive, no chance on getting lost. Glad that you guys had a great time.

  6. Ok, how many points did you burn up eating that delicious breakfast? ;-) Drive safe looking forward to all your fun stories. lv sund2
