Comments welcomed!!!

We just discovered that you don't have to identify yourself to leave a comment about the blog - you can be anonymous. We really have enjoyed reading your comments (thanks, Judy, Linda, Chris, Robin, Leslie, Cory, Diane and Stephan, Donna, Deb, Lauri, Daisy, and Mom and Dad (AKA - the anonymous ones)!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Home Sweet Home...

Leaving Utah on 50
We made it home today, a day earlier than we had planned, but being here sure does make the long hours of driving along Highway 50 worth it.  We picked Ruby up from her Lake Tahoe vacation with Diane and Stephan and headed home.  OhNo had been wonderfully looked after by Robin and when we got home, both Robin and OhNo were here to greet us.

This blog has been a fun way to share pictures and thoughts.  Thanks for checking in with us on our vacation to the Badlands and beyond.


  1. Flier & I are happy to hear that you are safely home.
    It all sounds like a fun trip and caching experience. I love traveling across Nevada. Different landscape but beautiful.
    See ya soon.

  2. Glad to see ya guys made it home!!!! This blog was great and was a lot of fun!!!! Get some rest!!
    Love ya

  3. Thanks you guys! We had a ton of fun but like they always say "there's no place like home"
    Kathy and Denna
